Thursday, September 22

The Quest for A Creative Life

I consider myself an artist, who's soul needs to create or it will die.  And slowly I have been dying inside.  I could blame it on having two kids, ages 2 and 4, with another on the way...but that's the easy way out.  The truth is I haven't been taking care of my artistic soul.  I have been neglecting it because I'm lazy.  Lazy - the word I fear most but there it is: my official declaration that I am also a lazy soul.  One can not be both creative and lazy - to create is to be inherently active.  I must resolve this war within myself if I am to flourish as I once did in the short span of my 29 years of life.  And here is my resolve: to do one Pintresting thing a day - even if it is only art-journaling a mere quote.

I became a Pintrest addict a mere few weeks ago.  My friend introduced me to my addiction not realizing it was exactly what this withering soul needed.  It was like a shot of creativity crack right to my veins. (Disclaimer: I have never done crack and barely have enough understanding of the drug culture to even use that analogy.)  After a few weeks of pinning things on my various boards I realized that it wasn't enough.  I need to actually try the ideas and use the inspiration that I was finding right at my fingertips.  So here we quest to take action against the creeping apathy that has entwined itself around me.  

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