Friday, October 7

Day Twelve: Rolled Magazine Box

This was so much fun and so easy!  The Pintrest idea suggests you use actual magazine pages but since I don't have any - story of my life, never having the exact supplies - I used the thinner kind of mag pages you find in the newspaper advertising section.  This box is mainly comprised of a Khol's catalogue.

A little step by step...
1. Cut pages in half, longways.
2. Fold up strips at the width you desire (a thinner width looks nicer) - gluing the edge down.
3. Put glue on one side of a finished strip and roll it up tightly.  Keep adding them until you have the base at the size you want.

4. Make wider strips for the sides of the box.
5. Layer strips until you have the height that you want.
6. Go back and add skinnier outer strips for a finished look.
7. Make the lid in a similar fashion - just adjust for a lip so the lid will sit securely on the base.

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